New Monthly Blogger – Phillip Ellis

Southerly’s Monthly Blogger program has got off to a brilliant start, thanks to the thoughtful, engaging and inspiring posts from Tracy Ryan. Thank you, Tracy!

Next in our program is Phillip Ellis. Here’s his bio:

Phillip A. Ellis is a freelance critic and scholar, and his poetry collection, The Flayed Man, has been published by Gothic Press. Gothic Press will also edit a collection of essays on Ramsey Campbell, that he is editing with Gary William Crawford. He is working on another collection, to appear through Diminuendo Press. Another collection has been accepted by Hippocampus Press, which has also published his concordance to the poetry of Donald Wandrei. He is the editor of AustralianReader.comMelaleuca, and Breaking Light Poetry Magazine.

Phillip’s first post will be up later in the week, so make sure you check back in to read it. Remember, you’re always welcome to comment.