Tag: Andre Breton

Paul Foot Meets W. G. Sebald in a Light Blue Pencil

by Luke Beesley This is the first time I’ve ever “blogged”, and it included a false start. I wrote a whole “blog entry” and then I looked back on it only to realise that it was too much in the tone of previous essays or reviews of books etc I’d written in the past. It’s a necessary tone in the context of a literary review which requires a certain objectivity or more a formality such as a collared shirt. But increasingly given over the last many years I’ve worked at home or in a small studio casually wearing jeans through…

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Comrade Kibalchich

by Aashish Kaul Marseilles. Late winter, 1941. Icy winds. A boat preparing to depart for Martinique in the Caribbean Sea, a boat with just two cabins and a total of seven bunks for the lucky few. For the rest, the hold with little light or air, with makeshift bunk beds hurriedly assembled. A very long and distressing voyage ahead for nearly four hundred men, women, and children escaping one or another persecution, now being herded into the steamer by armed gendarmes, free with their hands and insults, as if these hapless passengers were convicts in the process of deportation, or…

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