Tag: Robert Adamson

10 outrageous things that happened in poetry in 2015. You won’t believe what number 6 is!

by Liam Ferney, This is and isn’t a top ten poetry list for 2015. There are ten entries. They’re not all poets or books. Very few, if any, were actually published this year. But it is an opportunity to share the work that most shaped my thinking about poetry this year. I said enough about Michael Robbins last week, but if I hadn’t The Second Sex would be on my list. Next year I’ll be contemporary. I promise. deciBels (Vagabond Press) Pam Brown’s brilliantly curated deciBels series, Vagabond Press’ Rare Objects replacement, proved a fertile well. Familiar faces in the…

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Fireworks Below the River

by Anthony Lawrence Swamp Riddles: Robert Adamson In 1978, my mother met me at the door and handed me a note, saying “This is what you have to do if you’re serious and want to be a real poet.” She had written a list that included: – read everything you can get your hands on – go to second hand bookshops and start a poetry collection – write every day – say no to your friends more often I assumed that while I’d been at work, she’d had a major epiphany about poetry, and was now passing on this crucial…

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