Tag: Stephane Mallarme


by Corey Wakeling 3. David Jones * * from the Oxford English Dictionary baldachin, n. 2. A structure in the form of a canopy, either supported on columns, suspended from the roof, or projecting from the wall, placed above an altar, throne, or door-way; so called as having been originally of the material described in prec. sense. etymology: < French baldaquin, Spanish baldaquin, Italian baldacchino, in medieval Latin baldakinus , -ekinus , baudaquinus , -ekinus , < Baldacco , Italian form of Bagdad , the city in Asia where the material was made. David Jones, name of poet of In…

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by Justin Clemens When July with its bluster and showers comes around to mark the jagged break between antipodean tertiary semesters, then longen scholars to goon to conferences. This season, I took my face out for a walk — as Stéphane Mallarmé says — to two of them. Each had a title, one perhaps snappier than the other. The first, organized by Kate Montague, Sigi Jöttkandt, and Mark Steven from UNSW, bore the name Reason Plus Enjoyment (R+E) and took place 10-14 July.[1] The second, organized by Deirdre Coleman, Claire Knowles, and Peter Otto (what’s with these organizational trinities?), was…

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