Call for Submissions: The Naked Writer 2





The issue of Southerly titled The Naked Writer, published in March 2014, included outstanding essays, fiction and non-fiction, poetry and reviews on writer, the writing process and the links between life and work. It was so successful, in fact, that we are running a second edition.

We want all aspects of ‘the writer laid bare’. We want to see the diction and contradictions, the flamboyant and the fragile, the vulnerable beneath the veneer. We want the naked, the new, and the unknown between the writer and their writing.

Southerly is looking for essays and creative non-fiction, stories and poems, on all aspects of ‘the naked writer’. In particular, we are looking for:

  • essays on writers, and the intersection between their lives and their work
  • non-fiction on the writing process
  • fiction and poetry that addresses the idea of ‘the naked writer’

Papers due: July 31st 2015

Please submit online through our site. The link is here.