Tag: David Brooks

South Countries: John Kinsella, J.S. Harry

It is cold, deepest cold, the lake frozen as far as the eye can see, which is not so far because there is also mist, low and heavy, a twilight mist, swept, as if it came from an endless plain, a vast tundra, by an icy blast, constantly changing, constantly the same. And semi-darkness. Hardly a soul in sight, if you can call them souls, although there is perhaps nothing else that they can be called. The sense of them, rather than the presence, a track worn by footsteps across a ridge of ice, mud mixed into it, making the…

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An Editor Out of Hiding.

Firstly, welcome to the Southerly blog, and a Southerly that is going from strength to strength.  Thanks to our on-line component, The Long Paddock, we are publishing more material than ever. Despite the Global Financial Crisis, which has hit publishing badly and literary magazines very badly indeed, our subscription list is growing. And our social network is thriving. Our Facebook friends list has gone from zero to over two thousand in a matter of weeks. We are now accepting emailed submissions. We are now, thanks to Facebook, able to let our friends know in advance the themes of forthcoming issues.…

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Long Paddock for Southerly 70.1: Golden Tongues

Southerly 70.1 is available to purchase here. This link will take you to our old GumRoad storefront (an external site). Remaining issues will be moved to our own site, here, soon. TRANSLATION FEATURE JORGE PALMA (Uruguay) Five Poems, trans. Peter Boyle  PABLO DE ROKHA (Chile) from Circle, trans. Stuart Cooke JULES SUPERVEILLE (France) Forest, The Secret Sea, trans. John Kinsella MILA KAČIČ (Slovenia) Three poems, trans. Bert Pribac and David Brooks VRASIDAS KARALIS On Translating Cavafy’s Peculiar Greek: the Aesthetics of Ungrammatical Sentences* FICTION Tarek Dale, Belief’s Threnody POETRY Ken Bolton, Kirkman Guide to the Bars of Europe Peter Boyle,…

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