Long Paddock for Southerly 76.1: Words and Music

This issue of Southerly presents writing by musicians and writers who cross mediums to collaborate and experiment in the spaces between words and music, including Hilary Bell, Phillip Johnston and Jonathan Mills. It includes archivist John Murphy’s reflections on Peter Sculthorpe’s house and Joseph Toltz writes of the experience of researching musical recollections from the Holocaust, and presents some of these memories from survivors. Michael Hooper shows how listening to Elliott Gyger’s operatic adaptation of David Malouf’s Fly Away Peter also re-attunes us to the novel. Dick Hughes speculates on the (jazz) music of heaven while David Brooks keeps an ear to the ground in a meditation on “herd music”. There is also the usual cornucopia of stories, memoir, poems and reviews, both themed and unthemed.



This issue of Southerly is available to purchase via our GumRoad site.



Ben Walter “Pads”
Michael Farrell “Pope Pinocchio’s Sky” | “How I Roped Certain of My Books”
Luke Fischer “Metamorphosis”
Mark Mordue “Album Cover” | “Rock ‘n’ Roll #1”


Vicki Rogers “Ophis”
Michelle Karen (Vlatkovic) “Vulnerability and Surrender”


Pascalle Burton reviews Javant Biarujia, Spelter to Pewter
Hannah Ianniello reviews An Isolated Incident by Emily Maguire
Naomi Riddle reviews the juvenilia of Eleanor Dark and Ethel Turner


Jonathan Mills and Dorothy Porter, Nocturne from The Ghost Wife




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