March Monthly Blogger – Michelle Hamadache!
Due to a tidal wave of unforeseeable circumstances, Christopher Cyrill is suspending his blogging for the moment. He’ll be back in with us in December this year to continue his elegant essays on the writing life.
But this month our monthly blogger is the excellent Michelle Hamadache, one of Southerly‘s first fiction readers. Her bio is below:
Michelle Hamadache happily teaches creative writing and English Studies at Macquarie University. Apart from swimming, lying in the sand, watching her children cartwheel on the beach at night-time, and Sunday morning coffee with her husband, teaching is her favourite thing to do, after writing.
She’s been so very lucky to have the opportunity to work on her manuscript, ‘Algiers’, at Varuna this month, where she’s hoping that the first trip she took in her twenties (many years ago) to Algeria will return to her in living, breathing colour.
She loves her work as fiction reader for Southerly and is constantly inspired by the unending imagination of writers and the infinite variety and texture of their stories.
On a more scholarly note: Michelle received her doctorate from Macquarie in 2012. She’s had publications in Parallax (Roberts), Island, Kunapipi, and Southerly. She’s currently working on a monograph exploring the literary and historical representations of violence during the Algerian war of independence from France (1954-62) and researching the stories of Kabyle survivors of French internment centres during the war years.